PMH Inclusion Mission Statement
Peterborough Music Hub, working with all stakeholders, aspires to ensure children and young people in Peterborough can enjoy, participate, learn and progress musically throughout their school life and beyond. As a Music Education Hub, all core and extension roles will be approached through the lens of inclusive practice and outcomes.
Peterborough Music Hub, together with Cambridgeshire Music and Norfolk Music Hub have joined together in a Tri-Hub for our inclusion work. This model encompasses our core principles and approach to musical inclusion, which will state that we provide for all abilities, offering a wide range of experiences through their music education, with opportunities to experience instrument tuition, singing, production, creative opportunities and listening across a wide range of genres. These sessions will be accessible and representative of everyone in our communities, with particular focus on the Equality Act protected characteristics and social deprivation. You can access the Tri-Hub Inclusion Framework HERE

We embrace the Alliance for a Musically Inclusive England’s (AMIE) belief that: “musically inclusive practice involves making sure young people’s music is HEARD:

Holistic – placing emphasis on personal, social and musical outcomes
Equitable – people facing the biggest barriers receive the most support
Authentic – developed with and informed by the people we do it for
Representative – the people we work with as participants and colleagues reflect our diverse society
Diverse – all musical genres, styles, practices are valued equally”